Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Episode 137: Your Guide to Legendary Jam
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
TulipGate! Albino Donkeys! Paul gets wild and wired! Mike gets excited about the return of the SRS (Sexually Remaindered Spirits)! All this bad sentencing and poorly grammar can only mean one thing - it's time for an all new Waiting For Doom, so LET'S GET PATROLLING!
News Patrol – 4:45
Doom Clock - 13:22
Doomsplaining - 21:06 - This week we take a look at some various comics featuring short-but-good instances of Patrol-related goodness: Vertigo Jam, Legends of the DC Universe 80 Page Giant #2, and Secret Files and Origins Guide to the DC Universe 2001-2002!
Mailbag O Doom - 42:30 - We read through your emails and responses to the last Question of the Week, 'What comic hero team is most in need of an overhaul?'
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
DCOCD 22 - Our Worlds At War
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
DCOCD is the DC Comics Events podcast where we discuss, score and rank every single DC event in order starting with 1985's Crisis on Infinite Earths up to... we're not sure yet.
Paul with Superman cultist Michael Bailey and Laurel from the Huntress podcast, sign up for the multi-planetary conflict that is Superman: Our Worlds at War from 2001. This 3 month event was mostly in the Superman titles, but also spilled over into the pages of Supergirl, Young Justice, Batman, Impulse, Superboy, Wonder Woman and pulled in everyone from the JLA, to the Flash to the JSA.
Chief creators include Jeph Loeb, Joe Kelly, Joe Casey, Mark Schultz, Peter David, Geoff Johns, Phil Jiminez, Jae Lee, Ed Brubaker, Scott McDaniel, Judd Winnick, Ed McGuiness, Doug Mahnke and many many others.
If you have thoughts, opinions, encouragement or issues, please feel free to contact us at DCOCDCast@gmail.com and on twitter @DCOCDCast
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Episode 136: A New End
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
It's time for an all new episode of Waiting For Doom, and this time you'll also find some handy hints and life lesson! Pearls of wisdom such as, 'Never Trust Ghosts', 'Bathe Regularly', 'Don't Kidnap People' and 'Don't Drop A Shovel On Your Face'. LET'S GET PATROLLING!
News Patrol – 9:47
Doom Clock - 11:13
Doomsplaining - 18:01 - This week we reach the finale of Doom Patrol Volume 3, as we take at look at issues 21 and 22 from John Arcudi, Tan Eng Huat, Chris Walker, Dave McCaig, Bob Lappan, Andy Helfer and Harvey Richards.
Mailbag O Doom - 48:50 - We read through your emails and responses to the last Question of the Week, 'Which comic character would you want as a bodyguard?'
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Episode 135: Welcome to Doom-Thousand-Nineteen
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
It's a new year, and time for new episode to kick off YEAR FIVE (gasp!) of Waiting for Doom! LET'S GET PATROLLING!
News Patrol – 9:54
Doom Clock - 15:11
Doomsplaining - 21:32 - This week we take a slightly different approach, given the renewed interest in the Doom Patrol thanks to the impending TV show (OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE WE ARE GETTING A dP TV SHOW THOUGH LIKE WHAT EVEN IS THIS LIFE) and provide an overview of the Doom Patrol's history. Think of it as 'dP101 Redux', or 'dP102', even.
Mailbag O Doom - 01:03:12 - We read through your emails and responses to the last Question of the Week, 'Who’s your favourite pet in comics?'
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
DCOCD 21 - Young Justice: Sins of Youth
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Paul asserts his maturity with Doctor Herrfertsterfner then, with the help of two time semi-ocd Tim Price and (in his amazing podcasting debut) the fully OCD Matt Natsis, they assess the event Young Justice Sins of Youth from the distant year 2000.
Sins Of Youth was an event led by Peter David, Todd Nauck, Larry Stucker, Ken Lopez and Jason Wright, with help from Chuck Dixon, Geoff Johns, D. Curtis Johnson, Bryan K Vaughn, Dwayne McDuffie, Todd Dezago, Karl Kesel, Ben Raab, Norm Breyfogle, Tom Grummett, Keith Champagne, Rob Haynes, Michael Avon Oeming, Mike Weiringo, Scott Kolins, Norm Rapmund, Angel Unzueto, Jaime Mendoza, Carlo Barbieri, Wayne Faucher, Juan Vlasco, Drew Johnson, Rich Faber and many more!
When you finally return to your appropriate age, head over to Comicosity.com to check out the DCOCD event ladder to see where this one sits on the list.
If you have thoughts, opinions, encouragement or gripes, please feel free to contact us at DCOCDCast@gmail.com and on twitter @DCOCDCast
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Episode 134: Burnt Out by Bad Choices in Generic City
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Well we know where we're going, but we don't know where we've been. And we know what we're knowing, but we can't say what we've seen. And we're not little children. And we know what we want. And the future is certain...Give us time to work it out...yeah
News Patrol – 6:43
Doom Clock - 9:36
Doomsplaining - 17:33 - It's been a long, bumpy, dark, confusing, twisty-turns road (to nowhere) but we've finally, FINALLY arrived at the finale of Doom Patrol Volume 4. Mike and Paul bid the team a fond farewell as they discuss issues 17 and 18, from John Byrne, Doug Hazlewood, Jared K Fletcher, Alex Bleyaert and Mike Carlin.
Mailbag O Doom - 42:34 - We read through your emails and responses to the last Question of the Week, 'What’s the most comics you’ve binge-read and what were they?'
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
DCOCD 20 - Day of Judgement
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
DCOCD is the DC Comics Events podcast where we discuss, score and rank every single DC event in order starting with 1985's Crisis on Infinite Earths up to... we're not sure yet.
Paul and Mike sell their souls to look at the 1999 event Day of Judgement from the creative team of Geoff Johns, Matt Smith (not that one), Steve Mitchell, Chris Jones, Comicraft, James Sinclair and Kevin Dooley. Also on the road to heaven, hell and everything in between is the eerily calm Mark Sweeney from the superb I’m the Gun blog and podcast.
When you finally come back to today, head over to Comicosity.com to check out the DCOCD event ladder to see where this one sits on the list.
If you have thoughts, opinions, encouragement or gripes, please feel free to contact us at DCOCDCast@gmail.com and on twitter @DCOCDCast
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Episode 133: The Soulless and The Sell-Out
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Jade bears and giant demons! Blind kung-fu experts who can now see! Brothers who repair you despite your trashing their house! Crass commercial tie-ins! Truths that are stranger-than-yet-not-as profitable-as fiction! All this weirdness can only it's time for an all new Waiting For Doom, so LET'S GET PATROLLING!
News Patrol – 5:25
Doom Clock - 8:53
Doomsplaining - 13:35 - It's the beginning of the end of the Arcudi/Huat era, as we discuss Doom Patrol Volume 3 issues 19 and 20, from John Arcudi, Tan Eng Huat, Rick Geary, Bob Lappan, Dave McCaig and Andrew Helfer!
Mailbag O Doom - 38:32 - We read through your responses to the Question of the Week, 'What fictional something or other scared you as a child?'
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
DCOCD 19 - Batman: No Man's Land
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
DCOCD is the DC Comics Events podcast where we discuss, score and rank every single DC event in order starting with 1985's Crisis on Infinite Earths up to... we're not sure yet.
Paul and guest host Reggie from Chris and Reggie’s Cosmic Treadmill to do hard time in the 1999 event Batman No Man’s Land from the creative team of Bob Gale, Ian Edgington, Larry Hama, Chuck Dixon, Devin Grayson, Greg Rucka, Jordan B Gorfinkel, Denny O’Neil and about a hundred other creative people. Also giving us the facts and opinions is Ashford from the Wright On Podcasting Network. It’s a whole thing.
When you finally come back to today, head over to Comicosity.com to check out the DCOCD event ladder to see where this one sits on the list.
If you have thoughts, opinions, encouragement or gripes, please feel free to contact us at DCOCDCast@gmail.com and on twitter @DCOCDCast
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Episode 132: Malevolence In The Benevolence - Titans 1.4 Minisode
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Remember those days when we wondered if the Doom Patrol would ever return to comics, and how surprised we were when then did? Well imagine our collective surprise when it was announced they'd be appearing on our TV's (and giant monitors, for those so inclined)!
Yes, the Doom Patrol have made their first live action appearance on TV, as part of episode 4 of the 'Titans' series on the DCU streaming service. As Mike and Paul live in Australia and are unable to access said service AT THIS STAGE, they've been assisted with a review by special correspondent and friend of the show, Dr. Anj, of the Supergirl Comic Box Commentary Blog.
We hope you enjoy this special minisode, and thanks to Dr. Anj for coming to our rescue!
Waiting for Doom was created in late 2014 after 2 obsessive Doom Patrol fans realised (possibly incorrectly) that the world needed more discussion regarding their all time favourite superhero team. Specifically, from the two of them. Egos, am I right?Some helpful starting points for you:
Mike lives in Brisbane, and has had an on-again, off-again love affair with comics for 95% of his life. Paul lives in Laggan and tempers his encyclopedic knowledge of comics creators, and DC Comics in general, with biting sarcasm. Both of them fear the arrival of the Beardhunter, given their combined facial hair. Waiting For Doom would also not be possible without the support of our fellow Doom Bros: Jeames aka Rifty who provides technical support; and Doug Zawisza, who provides additional Doom Patrol history and commentary both here and on his own site, mygreatestadventure80.blogspot.com . Mike and Paul have the reluctant support of WilFreD, the sentient show Twitter account which gained self-awareness in early 2015. WilFreD lurks around this site so be careful of participating in inflammatory anti-AI sentiments lest we all suffer his wrath. |